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Research Team


Building an intelligent digital workforce starts with identifying what can and should be automated, and combining this insight with the right technologies.


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We are laser-focused on delivering end-client value, and our expert team of consultants has years of RPA experience with hundreds of successful projects under their belt.  We help you identify where to start and what to automate to achieve value faster.

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Understand the organisations drivers and objectives.

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Analyse the 'as-is' situation and where automation could fit.

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Interpret and analyse the findings to generate actionable data-driven recommendations.


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Decide on the priorities, set the plan, agree measurable outcomes, and key timelines. 

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Craft & Propose

We create an optimised 'to-be' version of the process to be automated. 

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The organisation/subject matter expert confirms the 'to-be' process.

Develop & Test

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Our Master Certified Developers build and extensively test the automation to ensure it is robust and works as intended.

Deploy & Monitor

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The process is put into production, where it is closely monitored for a period of 'hyper-care' (allowing for refinement post-implementation).

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We deliver value that aligns with your goals, fast.  Our team of Master Certified Developers and Architects work to industry-best-practice to consistently deliver robust automations, fully tested and ready for deployment.


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Your bots don't stop operating, and neither do we. As requirements evolve and environments change, bots need to be maintained. We offer a range of support to accommodate your business, including the option for a fully outsourced Centre of Excellence (CoE) that includes unlimited, round-the-clock support.


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Bot performance is monitored and measured against key indicators to ensure we are delivering the intended results.

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Review and optimisation keep bots in tip-top shape and help deliver continual improvement.

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Frequent meetings with the organisation keep projects on track and future priorities in view.


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A detailed monhtly report highlights bottlenecks, actions, project status.  Inclusion of key data aids future decision making.

Financial Report
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Achieving consistently exceptional results demands a well-established and rigorously disciplined work approach.

Agile Project Framework

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Flexible and collaborative.  Projects are broken into phases, allowing for iterative adjustment for continuous improvement - leading to better results, faster.


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Every project is meticulously orchestrated using ClickUp, a sophisticated project management platform that ensures transparent and direct visibility for our clients.


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Advanced interactive dashboard for visualising and analysing Eslasticsearch data  through custom charts and filters.

Monthly Business Report

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A custom report prepared by the AuTech business team outlines performance metrics, identifies obstacles, and guides automation initiatives through recurring customer review meetings.

Are you ready to start your journey? 

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